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Packaging & Label Reviews under Cannabis Regulations in Canada by Lawyer

Helping Canadian Businesses Get Licences, Stay Onside And Resolve Their Legal Challenges.

Are you in the cannabis business and need professional legal assistance to ensure your product packaging and labels comply with Canadian regulations? Look no further! Substance Law is a trustworthy law firm offering comprehensive services for reviewing packaging and labelling of authorized cannabis products under the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Regulations in Canada.

Understanding the Cannabis Act and Regulations

The Cannabis Act is a legal framework that controls the production, distribution, sale, and possession of cannabis across Canada. Within this Act, the Cannabis Regulations prescribes how cannabis products must be packaged and labelled to ensure public safety and prevent youth access and appeal. It is crucial for all cannabis producers and distributors to fully comply with these regulations to avoid legal complications and penalties.

Specific Requirements under the Cannabis Regulations

The Cannabis Regulations mandate specific requirements for packaging and labelling of cannabis products:

  1. Packaging Requirements:
    • The packaging must be child-resistant.
    • It must not be appealing to young persons.
    • It must not have any branding or image that could be appealing to young persons.
    • The packaging must not have any elements that would associate it with alcoholic beverages or brands.
    • It must be tamper-evident.
    • It should not emit any scent or sound.
    • The packaging should contain specific health warnings as prescribed by the regulations.
  2. Labelling Requirements:
    • The label must contain the standardized cannabis symbol.
    • It must have specific health warnings as prescribed by the regulations.
    • It must indicate the THC and CBD content of the product.
    • The label should not make any false or misleading statements.
    • It should not have any elements that associate it with alcoholic beverages or brands.

Why Choose Substance Law for Your Packaging & Label Reviews?

Substance Law, headed by experienced lawyer Harrison Jordan, specializes in the intricate legal landscape surrounding cannabis in Canada. Our team of experts is well-versed in the nuances of the Cannabis Act and its associated regulations, ensuring that your cannabis products meet all necessary legal requirements for packaging and labelling.

Comprehensive Legal Review

We provide a thorough legal review of your cannabis product packaging and labels to ensure compliance with all aspects of the Cannabis Act and Regulations. This includes a detailed assessment of the product’s packaging, label content, health warnings, and THC/CBD content disclosures.

Expert Guidance

Our team, led by Harrison Jordan, provides expert guidance and recommendations on how to modify your packaging and labels to meet the legal requirements, if necessary. We also offer advice on best practices to minimize legal risks and protect your business interests.

Timely Service

We understand the importance of time in the fast-paced cannabis industry. Our team is committed to providing timely and efficient services to ensure your products are compliant and ready for the market as soon as possible.

Protect Your Brand Reputation

Failure to comply with the Cannabis Act and Regulations can lead to severe consequences, including fines, legal actions, and damage to your brand reputation. At Substance Law, we understand the importance of maintaining a positive brand image. Our legal experts will ensure that your packaging and labels do not only comply with the regulations but also positively represent your brand.

Customized Solutions

We understand that each cannabis business is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not be suitable for all. Our team provides customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and business model. Whether you are a small start-up or a large established enterprise, we offer personalized services to ensure your packaging and labels meet all legal requirements.

Contact Substance Law for Expert Legal Assistance

Ensure your cannabis products are legally compliant and protect your business from unnecessary legal complications. Contact Substance Law today for expert legal assistance on Cannabis Act packaging and label reviews in Canada. We are here to help you navigate the complex legal landscape and ensure your success in the cannabis industry.


In the evolving landscape of the cannabis industry, it is crucial to stay updated and compliant with all legal requirements. Substance Law provides expert legal assistance in reviewing packaging and labels of authorized cannabis products in Canada. Our comprehensive services, timely delivery, and personalized approach make us the trusted choice for cannabis businesses across Canada. Contact us today to ensure your cannabis products meet all legal requirements and safeguard your business success.

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Our Law Firm is Headed by Lawyer Harrison Jordan

Harrison Jordan, Lawyer at Substance Law